When the Holy Spirit came to me

I remember I went to a youth conference at the age of 18 called Acquire the Fire in Hamilton, ON. It was my third year going and I definitely was more open to going to this huge conference with so many youth. This was a non-denominational conference (not sure why I am writing this part). Anyway, I went and the point I woke up with today is that the Lord came to me like a rushing wind and pouring a passion unto me. In that time of my life so many things were happening.

• I was in a relationship with a guy.
• I was always arguing with my dad.
• My dad and I had such a bad relationship, it was sad and upset me.
• I rarely spoke to my sister much…
• I was independent from God because • I didn’t ask for his wisdom at all.
• I was living in the flesh a lot.
• I was bound to lust, seduction and manipulation.
• I wanted attention
• I was desperate for love ( I would get this from my boyfriends)
• I did whatever I wanted – without a clue if it was what God my Heavenly Father wanted.
• I had so much sadness , depression
• Wasn’t able to commit to jobs well, I didn’t take them seriously and I took it for grantid.
• I was miserable in my decisions a lot of the time cause it caused me to get hurt a lot.
• My dad and mom fought so much – there was no peace in our house
• I was rebellious
• I talked back to my dad with meanness

The Lord came to me with all this baggage. He came to me with a rushing wind and through a song I told him I wanted his help. I wanted him to teach me and guide me and be a student in his classroom. I cried as I was led by the Holy Spirit to open my mouth and sing “Father will you come, and open up our hearts. Fill us with your love, renew us with your life. Consume us with you majesty” (by Unhindered – Father Will You Come.)

He came to me in my mess, and even now I get into messes that God is working on now.

Now I know and better understand through a revelation Father God allowed me to see is the power of the cross and the power of the blood of Jesus. Throughout these years the Lord gave me layers and layers of this but I couldn’t get it all until now. Its rather divine and planned.

I love the sacrifice of Jesus 😍 its the most loveliest love stories I ever knew. The way he walked and talked and then died for us is beyond anything. Blah, its not a story – its TRUE! That’s what makes it even better, its reality.

He died for my sin, his cross was so heavy because our sins were so heavy (so many sins). And he bled and bled and bled – shedding his blood for us to cover us in it spirtually so that our chains of slavery to sin would be broken. So when we allow and accept the Salvation of Christ – we accept his protection. We accept his sacrifice. We accept to be covered under the mantle of his blood which as it spiritually flows over us it reaches every crevice of our soul, all the darkest spots, all the hardened heart or the broken heart and cleanses it for us. And that is his grace… In the meantime while we are covered the Holy Spirit does the work in us through our lives truly by grace and because we have a purpose.
( sometime people accept Christ and then die. For a reason to fulfill a purpose, and we live to co tinue fulfilling a purpose… And I pray we fulfill Gods purpose)

To finish, God is incredibly loving. He is incredibly amazing, he is incredibly merciful – especially cause he finds us on our mess and totally grabs us and takes us home. I honestly felt like a sheep that was in the dark and being grabbed back home in that moment and then began this journey… But for so long I was stubborn and didnt want to surrender but haha God knew the day I would. Haha


UPDATE – Dream Journal: The Handsome Prime Minister


There are many Canadians who “love” Justin Trudeau, and as it said in the dream that is what was depicted… he was a gentle man who had charm. Also, I saw that he lifted up the actress to ask Canada a question.. which was [if Canada could tell her a joke, as friends tell each other jokes… to make each other laugh.] In a way, this is encouraging Canada to laugh and smile but Canada is insecure about their friendship.

This video talks about how Trudeau SAYS he is going to keep Israel as a friend and ally! But we are waiting to see it come to pass – we shall see what God has chosen. I am excited to see what happens next … and hope we remain ally with Israel for the glory of God. His will be done overall though 🙂

Right now the friendship with Canada is perhaps “in the clouds” because the PM has not made a solid decision yet. But we shall see what happens in the next couple of days when he is actually ordained PM of Canada.

Dream Journal: The Handsome Prime Minister

Today I had a dream where I saw myself walking into a hospital with this tall man, very kind and wearing a black trench coat. I remember we were following this girl that I knew who was broke and she ended up going into a hospital. So we walked into the hospital and we saw her walking quickly to where she was suppose to go as she was directed by the staff. Somehow we knew we weren’t allowed to go into where she was and this man just went in and took me with him. (I will tell you in advance that this man looked like PM Justin Trudeau..) I heard yelling down the hall and we were walking into this chaotic and noisy place. When we walked around the corner we saw that it was a woman complaining and worried about her son. Her son was on a wheelchair of some sort and asking the receptionist if they can do another check up on him. The tall man went to the ledge of the window of the receptionist and leaned on it with his elbow. And as I walked by I saw this young boy sitting there, with red stuff on his face and his mother said “I just want him to be normal again” in anxiety and I walked by and said “he’s beautiful” in a whisper. I looked at the tall man and he looked at me and was falling in love because he saw compassion. Then he took my hand and we took a walk and I saw this other woman join us. She was not the focus at this point, it was just me and this man. He was charming and handsome and he would share much wisdom with me. Then I remember he told me to check into his pocket and inside his pocket he had a pair of reading glasses and some coins. I felt him saying or an idea came to me inside me saying “if you get the one penny he will stay with you” so I was hoping to get that penny but instead I got a nickel (5 cents) and it was an old one too – it looked American actually. Then the other woman (who looked exactly like Rashida Jones) came into the focus and she asked me if I could tell a funny joke, and I was not very confident to tell this woman a joke. Then I saw the tall man be a gentleman to this other woman and picked her up from her armpits (she was wearing a blueish trench jacket) and I became envious for that reason and jealous. He was very nice to her, after all the time he was nice to me. It came to thought that he was interested in her romantically but He wasn’t. I had discernment in the dream and I discerned that He was respecting her as a friend and has no intention to be with her as I was his. She simply asked me to say a joke, but it was also in my thoughts that idea “would he leave me if I didn’t do good at this?” “what if his favourite thing for me to do would be to make him laugh…” and I saw myself in centre stage, wearing a very cute yellow dress and shy and brushing the dust off the bottom part of my dress while straightening it, nervously about to start and I woke up.

I asked God about this dream because to be really honest It didn’t make sense to me. I have no interest in Justin Trudeau or in any male whatsoever except for the Lord. So he reminded me of the story of Hosea how Hosea was to place himself as an example of God and he was told to marry Gomer who represented “Israel”. God married Israel, but she prostituted herself to other gods but God still loved her. God uses woman as an example of a country. Just to make it clear hehe. 

What I learned from this dream was that tall man was Justin Trudeau, I was representing Canada, and the other woman is Jewish and African.

I tell you, it shocked me when I researched Rashida Jones on the internet and it says this about her in Wikipedia “Jones’ father, who is African-American (with Tikar roots from Cameroon), also has more distant English and Welsh ancestry.[2][3][4][5][6] Her mother is Ashkenazi Jewish (a descendant of immigrants from Russia and Latvia).[7] Jones and her sister were raised in Reform Judaism by their mother; she attended Hebrew school, though she left at the age of ten and did not have a Bat Mitzvah.[8]

When I saw this… my being shouted within me!

Canada is loving the Liberal PM at this moment, everyone is commenting about how handsome and charming he is. How he will change things in this country etc etc. Canada has fallen in love with Justin Trudeau and Justin loves her too – for he has seen her compassion for others and he loves it. Anyway, as we walk ( which is the journey of life ) we eventually reach a point where this other country is sort of there but isn’t fully in the picture yet – I’m talking about the Jewish family now. Following this Canada is walking with Trudeau and as charming as “wise” as he is he shares much things with her and he tells her to look into his pocket. I saw reading glasses: he reads a lot and knowledgeable and studious… and then I saw one penny and the rest were dimes, nickles etc. He told me to grab and choose one – and I remember hoping that we would find the penny but it was an American nickel which was different. So, something to do with American money. Then I remember this woman asked Canada to make her laugh as they were FRIENDS. and then the man lifted her up on a higher level so she could speak and ask the question (Jews will have their say in Canada) and Canada got jealous for the insecurity that their handsome PM will leave them for another. But the TRUTH was that the intentions of the PM wasn’t to be nice to be with the Jews, he was nice because he was their friend and thats what friends do – they help each other. So then Canada was put in the spot and she was shy and unsure of herself to say what she had to say.

Basically what I got from this is…

Canada will eventually become friends with the Jews again, cause there was some distance and then Canadians will be jealous cause there is to much happening with the Jewish people and then the truth is Canada is friends with the Jews and because of their friendship it will lift up the jewish people.

Hallelujah, praise the Lord! This is for the Lord – he RULES. ALL


*on the side note, God has used me as an example of the body of Christ. When I have felt tired, I have seen the whole body tired. When I have been discouraged, I have seen many discouraged – its so weird. Anyway, if it was PM in love with the Body of Christ that would be amazing and the church needs to love the Lord more then Trudeau but more to respect him. Anyway… the Love of Christ is merciful.

Liberals Won last night

I felt a movement in the atmosphere last night, this nation will be shaken and there will be a great awakening here in Canada. The body of Christ is realizing the Sovereignty of the Lord in this matter and those who have been quiet are now speaking out!

I experienced a lot of anxiety and worry in the atmosphere in Canada. There was a huge shift in the world. There was a new “freedom”, a new change a new Prime Minister and a bunch of worried folks.One thing is – whatever happens keep praying for Justin Trudeau. He needs our prayers church! He needs our prayers.

Jesus is with us, and we side with Christ. Christ will be lifted up! Voices will cry out to Him to change this nation and it will! We are shaping history!

Ephesians 6:12
“For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.”

“What made me love Christ wasn’t that all of a sudden I started figuring out how to do life. What made me love Christ is that when I was at my worst, when I was at my lowest point, when I absolutely could not clean myself up and there was nothing anybody could do with me, right at that moment, Christ said, “I’ll take that one. That’s the one I want.”
– Matt Chandler // Relevant Magazine

What if I can’t let go?

I realized today in my life here in Canada, that there are so many people that need prayer that I haven’t prayed for. So I had heard this word “angst” and it correctly described me unfortunately. But I feel so anxious to see what God will do in the lives of these people for an odd reason – and it hurts to see people in pain. I want to see transformation in others, not just in myself. You know, and then the Lord reminded me of Phillipians 4:6 and then I asked.. “What if I can’t let go?” and this popped up and did something to my mind.


Very simple, but again there are so many things easier said than done.


Yesterday I watched the movie “War Room” and it greatly impacted me. During the movie I didn’t cry, because I was so focused on listening and learning. When I got home, and went into my own “war room” or secret place is where I just bawled my eyes out. I was amazed that I went to sleep in peace, and yet there were definitely warfare around me, but I fell asleep in peace with God protecting me. About 5am I believe, I had such a evil dream. It woke me up and for once was aware of the demonic seeds the enemy was planting in me. I felt the atmosphere around me when I woke up was not evil but offensive. So I said “No offences in my life anymore. No Satan. You can’t pollute me with your false “truths”.” and it was incredible.

It was such a terrible dream though. About the people currently in my life… I haven’t experienced so much negativity in my life! So negative. I mean, my past with my family was negative and even when I was in relationships with the wrong people but its been very chaotic in the congregation and temple I now attend. Super messy but the power of God is present. Very present.

I am just glad, very glad God woke me up to fight again. And he woke me up to say No to Satan (:

When God takes you a different way….

I had a dream this morning that I won’t get into much detail about, but God spoke very clearly to me. The Lord showed me a different place, a new direction.

You see I got so caught up in being a part of the body, trying to find my place in the body of Christ that I forgot who I was. I was following the crowd instead of following God. But today, in my dream, God ripped all of these people out of my life. All of them.

I ended up being completely alone, with my luggage. You see I was on my way to another place at an airport with my brothers and sisters in Christ or friends. But just when I was going to enter another gate to get on the plane…I realized I had forgotten my Passport. My sister was home so my friend called her to bring it and then instantly the person she spoke to was no longer my sister but security and they said that whether or not I bring my passport it’s invalid. My identity was not accepted where they were going, and I was left all by myself. This may sound awful but the truth is I told God that I hated him. He took it all away. Then I had to walk back down the hallway, and passing the shopping area of the airport a man came and started talking to me. He just started speaking things I don’t remember… but what I DO remember was knowing Jesus, God the Father loved me. Despite everything that happened, and everything I said and felt towards God which in the dream was hate. He showed me so much real love. Even if I hated him for doing what he did, He still loved me so much and in that moment when that man spoke to me I knew it wasn’t just him talking, but it was God who made him speak to show me His mercy, grace, and love. I saw through that man, and behind that man was the Holy Spirit. Everything changed and I loved Him, God because he didn’t let me go, it was SO MUCH MERCY. He just LOVES us SOOO MUCH.

So, he is taking me in a different direction than the people I know.

I will love you momentously says the Lord. (always)